Clairo “Charm” Review

Written by Aiden Romrell

I feel like I manifested this album from the very depths of my soul. Ever since the beginning of this year, I have been re-listening to Clario’s whole discography. Basically praying and begging for a new album to come. 

Those prayers must have been heard and answered by Clario herself, because here we are with her third studio album, Charm, released on July 12th. With 12 new unskippable tracks, and me basically in tears with how amazing and perfect this album is.

Sonically, Charm is able to capture the atmosphere of her past works while at the same time having the sound be new and engaging. Like Swing, it has almost an adjacent setting. While listening to Swing, you feel like you're in the woods. And it's fall—almost winter—around you, surrounded by nature. While Charm is like the cottage you built for yourself in those woods, it's now summer, and you are filled with content. 

Then, with the introduction of the samples and layer instrumentals, it feels like a callback to Immunity. However, how it’s done here feels a bit more mature in terms of choices of brassy elements rather than electronic. It helps it coincide more with the elements of Swing, and they come together beautifully. I love the use of horns, it almost gives a jazzier kind of feel to the album.

Of course, if I had the time, I would talk about every song on this album. Unfortunately, I do not have the space for that. But please know that each of these tracks brings something new and beautiful to this album. All of them flow together and create this experience that I personally never wanted to end (probably why I end up playing the whole album on repeat multiple times a day). But I will take a moment to end this by briefly talking about some of my favorite tracks.

Nomad, I was basically in tears listening to it for the first time. I’m glad Clario released this as a single first, so it prepared me for what was to come in terms of emotional depth. Clario does this thing where sometimes her lyrics hit a little too close to home, such as “It’s even irrational for me. I’m cynical, a mess. I’m touch, starved and shameless. If I think too deeply about it, I may cry. Wanting to leave everything behind but also wishing for what was there before, but it’s now there only in dreams. 

Then there is Juna, my current favorite track. I just love how the song travels; the use of doubling is masterful, and I am a sucker for "twinkles." But also, this is another song I connect so deeply with. Finding someone who you did not expect to get close to, but they end up knowing you and making you feel comfortable enough to try when you were afraid to before, Slowly getting to know that person as well, opening up to each other. It’s beautiful.

Overall, if I do not get to hear these songs live, I may not make it through the year. Luckily for all of us, Clario has just announced her upcoming Charm tour with Alice Phoebe Lou opening (am I dreaming?). I am overall so impressed with this album; the wait was definitely worth it, and this may just be one of my favorite albums of all time. Clario, you have indeed done it again.



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